P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 342

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 342. Powers

The College of Physicians’ Aides of Puerto Rico shall have power:

(a) To subsist in perpetuity under that name and to sue and be sued as [a juridical] person.

(b) To possess and use a seal which it may alter at will.

(c) To acquire rights and property, both real and personal, by donation, legacy, assessments on its own members, purchase or otherwise; and to possess them, mortgage them, lease them and dispose thereof in any form.

(d) To appoint its directors and officers or officials.

(e) To adopt its bylaws, which shall be binding on all its members and to amend the same in the form, and under the requirements established therein.

(f) To protect its members in the exercise of their profession, and through the creation of gratuity funds, insurance systems, and special funds, or in any other way, to help those who retire for physical disability or advanced age, and the heirs or the beneficiaries of those who die.

(g) To exercise such incidental powers as may be necessary or advisable for the purposes of its creation and are not in conflict with §§ 341—353 of this title.

History —May 15, 1943, No. 174, p. 622, § 2, eff. 90 days after May 15, 1943.