The Board shall, upon previous notice and administrative hearing, pursuant to the provisions of §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 3, and the identity protection laws, impose disciplinary sanctions to any diagnostic imaging and treatment radiologic technologist who:
(a) Discloses and/or retrieves material that does not belong to him/her or data that identifies a patient, without his/her previous authorization, when the same are obtained in the course of a professional relationship, except as required or authorized by virtue of this chapter.
(b) Carries out laboratory practices or methods for which he/she is not professionally authorized or trained.
(c) Requests or receives, directly or indirectly, fees, compensation, reimbursement, or commissions for professional services not rendered.
(d) Causes, by action or omission, that the personnel under his/her direction or supervision incur in illegal acts or perform acts, procedures, or practices not permitted under this chapter, or the regulations adopted hereunder.
(e) Employs or delegates upon unauthorized persons, or helps or incites unauthorized persons to perform illegal procedures or work that, according to the provisions of this chapter, shall only be legally performed by duly licensed diagnostic imaging and treatment radiologic technologists.
(f) Harasses, abuses or intimidates patients.
(g) Refuses to provide his/her services to a patient without cause or any justified reason.
(h) Announces the practice of the diagnostic imaging and treatment radiologic technology through false or deceitful methods.
(i) Has been adjudicated against in a professional malpractice case or incurs in incompetence or negligence.
History —Apr. 12, 2006, No. 76, § 20, eff. 90 days after Apr. 12, 2006.