A reasonable term shall be granted to families or persons that acquire lots to build the structure for their dwelling, which may be extended for just cause, but in no case shall it exceed twenty-four (24) months. Prior to the execution of the property title deed of the lot, the Housing Development and Improvements Administration shall evaluate the capability of the future owner to negotiate and obtain the financing needed to build the dwelling unit from those financial institutions recognized for the purposes of this chapter by the Department of Housing. The Housing Bank and Finance Agency, under the conditions and requirements established by the Secretary of Housing, may grant loans to said persons to build the structures and establish all the necessary guarantees to allow the effective recovery of the loans granted.
In cases where it may apply, acquiring persons and families shall be offered short training courses in order to teach them simple building techniques according the simple building plans and specifications provided by the Housing Development and Improvements Administration, to be used in the construction of said structures. The Permit Management Office and the Planning Board shall be consulted for the adoption of said plans and specifications. Persons qualified in structure building techniques may participate as volunteers together with other citizens in the construction of houses, and may be supervised by personnel from the Housing Development and Improvements Administration.
History —July 18, 1986, No. 4, p. 761, § 3; Dec. 19, 1995, No. 239, § 2; Sept. 6, 1997, No. 118, § 3.