Lessee. — As used in Title IV of this act, shall be understood the person designated to take charge of the administration of a proportional profit farm, and said term, therefore, does not carry with it the legal meaning of “lessee” contemplated in § 4031 of Title 31; Provided, That in every contract that may hereafter be executed for the administration of a proportional profit farm, as provided in Title IV of this act, the person designated to carry out said administration shall be known as and shall be called “the administrator” of said farm.
Lease contract. — As used in Title IV of this act, shall be understood the contract for the administration of a proportional profit farm, and said term, therefore, does not carry with it the legal meaning of “lease contract”, contemplated in §§ 4011—1014 of Title 31; Provided, That every contract that may hereafter be executed for the administration of a proportional profit farm, as provided in Title IV of this act, shall be known and designated as the “administration contract” of said farm.
History —Apr. 12, 1941, No. 26, p. 388, added as § 64A on Apr. 4, 1946, No. 273, p. 572.