Any commercial establishment, in coordination with the Authority, shall institute a plastic bag recycling program, providing the clients with the opportunity to return to the establishment any clean plastic bag they might have.
As part of said program, the Authority shall provide through regulation or through an application to review the recycling program that the municipalities have, as established in § 1320b of this title, the periodic collection of plastic bags recovered in commercial establishments. Furthermore, commercial establishments shall be responsible for taking the following measures:
(1) Place plastic bag drop-off and recycling containers duly identified in visible places easily accessible to clients.
(2) Deliver to the Authority, its designated agency, or the corresponding municipality, all plastic bags collected through this program for its recycling, in compliance with the provisions established by the Authority through regulation. In order to comply with the above, the Authority, its designated agency, or the corresponding municipality shall authorize plastic bag collection in commercial establishments.
(3) Maintain evidence and information describing the plastic bag collection, hauling, and recycling through this program for a minimum of three (3) years, in order for the Authority to verify compliance with the provisions of this section and the regulations it may approve thereunder.
(4) Have available for sale to their clients and/or allow them to use reusable bags as an option to substitute plastic bags.
History —Sept. 18, 1992, No. 70, added as § 18-A on Mar. 26, 2010, No. 38, § 2.