The Secretary may, upon notice and hearing to that effect, modify, suspend temporarily, or cancel a permit or franchise for any of the following reasons:
(1) Intentional violations of this chapter, of Act No. 9 of June 18, 1970, of §§ 151–163 of Title 3, or of the standards, decisions and regulations adopted thereunder.
(2) Violation of any of the conditions established in the permit or franchise and, particularly, those referring to the volume, form, rhythm, place, time and purpose of the utilization.
(3) The nonusing, without good cause, of the permit or franchise for the time fixed therein, or if none is fixed, for the period of one year.
(4) Where the holder refuses to furnish the information requested by the Board on Environmental Quality and the Secretary, or furnishes false information.
The Board on Environmental Quality may request the Secretary to revoke a permit or franchise when it realizes that, as a result of the corresponding utilization, damage or significant adverse effect is being caused or may be caused to the environment or to any natural system.
History —June 3, 1976, No. 136, p. 390, § 13.