(1) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter and the regulations promulgated thereunder, except for the provisions of this section, shall incur a misdemeanor and if convicted, shall be punished with a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor of more than five hundred dollars ($500), or with a term of imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months, or with both penalties at the discretion of the court. The importation for commercial purpose and the trade of illegal exotic species, hunting in public or private lands without the verifiable authorization of the owner, administrator or person in charge, and any violations to the regulations on vulnerable or endangered species shall be deemed to be felonies and shall be punished with a fine of not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) nor of more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), or with a term of imprisonment of not less than ninety (90) days nor of more than three (3) years, or with both penalties at the discretion of the court. Furthermore, any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter and the regulations promulgated thereunder shall incur an administrative fault. As of the date of effectiveness of this act, the following violations of § 107d of this title shall be deemed as administrative faults subject to the payment of fines as set forth below:
(a) $500.00
(b) $500.00
(i) $50 for each specimen whose market value does not exceed $50.
(ii) $100 for each specimen whose market value does not exceed $100 and is not less than $50.
(iii) $300 for each specimen whose market value does not exceed $300 and is not less than $100.
(iv) $600 for each specimen whose market value does not exceed $600 and is not less than $300.
(v) $1000 for each specimen whose market value does not exceed $1000 and is not less than $600.
(vi) $5000 for each specimen whose market value exceeds $1000 up to a maximum total of $25,000.
(d) $200.00
(e) $200.00
(f) $500.00
(g) $1,000.00
(h) $150.00
(i) $250.00
(j) $150.00
(k) $500.00
(l) $500.00
(ll) $1,000.00
(m) $100.00
(n) $250.00
(ñ) $500.00
(o) $5,000.00 for each specimen or product
(p) $100.00
(q) $500.00
(r) $5,000.00
(s) $10,000.00
(t) $5,000.00 per occurrence
(u) $100.00 per occurrence
(v) $250.00
(2) The law enforcement officer in charge of public order shall issue a ticket for the offenses in a preprinted form prepared by the Department with the perpetrator’s name and address, a brief description of the violation, the applicable legal provision and the penalty corresponding to this section. Each animal specimen hunted in violation of the law or each weapon of which the possession or the act of bearing is illegal shall justify the imposition of a separate penalty.
(3) The alleged offender shall have the option of paying the amount indicated on the ticket within thirty (30) days following its issue or of requesting a review of the alleged offense or the proposed fine by means of a written request addressed and sent to the Secretary by certified mail with acknowledgement of receipt or personally delivered within fifteen (15) days after the ticket was issued.
(4) All administrative hearings shall be notified to the offenders thirty (30) days prior to their scheduled date. Said hearings may be attended by the offenders accompanied by their attorneys. The former shall be entitled to hear the evidence presented against them and offer evidence in their favor.
(5) Any person who intentionally has given false information or committed fraud when submitting the application for a hunting license as provided in § 107j of this title, shall incur a misdemeanor and if convicted shall be punished with a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor of more than five hundred dollars ($500).
History —Aug. 15, 1999, No. 241, § 22; Sept. 2, 2000, No. 368, § 5; Sept. 15, 2004, No. 294, § 2.