The following actions shall be deemed unlawful and subject to penalties as provided below in this chapter:
(a) To practice sports hunting in Puerto Rico without the corresponding sports hunting license or without the official seasonal stamp, if applicable.
(b) To practice sports hunting of any wildlife species that has not been designated by regulations as game.
(c) To introduce, import, own or export exotic species without prior permission of the Secretary, or with same expired, excepting those exotic species authorized by regulations.
(d) Failing to renew the possession, purchase and sale of exotic species permit.
(e) To purchase or sell wildlife species, their young, nests or parts thereof. This prohibition does not include those exotic species born in captivity in game reserves or breeding places authorized by the Secretary through regulations for the purpose of populating game reserves.
(f) To practice sports hunting of wild fauna designated by the Secretary as game outside the established hunting season. However, hunting wildlife species for scientific and animal control or educational purposes by persons duly authorized by the Secretary to do so, shall not be deemed unlawful.
(g) To practice sports hunting in Commonwealth Forests or in public land administered by the Department, except in wildlife reserves and those natural reserves where the Secretary determines hunting is a compatible activity. The Secretary, by means of regulation, shall establish the criteria to determine the compatible uses of the natural reserves.
(h) To hunt for sport a number of birds and animals in excess of the maximum number established for each hunting day or during a stage in their lives or their sex other than those set by the Secretary for each species of game birds or animals.
(i) To hunt or collect any wildlife species in a number greater than that authorized by the Secretary, or during a stage in their life or their sex, other than that authorized by the latter, in those cases whereby the Secretary has granted a special permit to hunt or collect said species for scientific and animal control purposes.
(j) To carry, transport or hunt with an unregistered weapon as established below in this chapter.
(k) To carry or transport any sports hunting weapon outside of a hunting season, be it on the person of the hunter, in the vehicle the latter is using or any other means of transportation, including any animal being used for transportation. In case said weapon must be transported for a purpose other than for sports hunting, a person must obtain a written authorization from the Police Superintendent or possess a target shooting license in effect. The weapon must also be registered for such a purpose, and be unloaded and duly covered.
(l) To carry or transport any hunting weapon in public land where hunting has been prohibited, unless with a written permit issued by the Secretary.
(ll) To establish or operate game reserves without a permit issued by the Secretary.
(m) To hunt in a game reserve without the proper license or permit issued by the Secretary.
(n) To hunt in a game reserve any of the species of wild fauna not designated as game by the Secretary through regulations.
(ñ) To hunt for sport any species of wild fauna along any public road or at a distance of less than one hundred meters from populated and housing areas, unless the house belongs to the hunter or to a person who has authorized the hunter to hunt within a one hundred meter perimeter.
(o) To hunt or collect rare or endangered species; to own, transport or sell articles derived from rare or endangered species as designated by the Department.
(p) To own or hold in captivity any species of wild fauna or game animal except for scientific, educational or recovery purposes, in which case a written authorization must be obtained from the Secretary.
(q) To hunt in any manner other than that authorized through regulations.
(r) To operate a business for the purchase and sale of exotic species or to sell exotic species without the proper license or authorization of the Permit Management Office.
(s) To modify the designated essential critical natural habitat of rare or endangered species without the mitigation plan approved by the Department.
(t) To modify the natural habitat without a mitigation plan approved by the Department.
(u) To own, transport, catch or destroy individuals, nests, eggs or the young of wildlife species without the prior authorization of the Secretary. Exempted from this provision are invertebrates and flora found in private lands and those which have not been designated by means of regulations.
(v) To hunt with any weapon not authorized by this chapter or without a permit issued by the Secretary or to use ammunition prohibited by the regulations.”
History —Aug. 15, 1999, No. 241, § 6; Sept. 2, 2000, No. 368, § 2; Jan. 8, 2004, No. 34, § 1; Sept. 15, 2004, No. 294, § 1.