P.R. Laws tit. 3, § 145b

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 145b. Special leave for candidates

Members of the Public Education System teaching personnel shall be released from their obligations when nominated by a political party as candidates to the office of Governor, Resident Commissioner, Senator, House Representative or Mayor, if certified by the Commonwealth Elections Commission.

Relief from duty shall be effective on August 1st of the election year and shall be extended to the Monday that follows the day set for general election. During said period, the teacher thus relieved from duty shall enjoy a special leave with pay, which shall not be chargeable to days accrued by the teacher in any other leave. After the election, teachers enjoying the special leave shall be entitled to ask for leave without pay for the rest of the semester.

Should the teachers on special leave not be elected to the office to which they were nominated, they may return to their posts with the same rights and prerogatives they had at the time they were relieved from duty. Should their posts be occupied or another post of like category not be available in their municipality, the Secretary shall extend the special leave with pay until the beginning of the second school semester.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to confidential teaching personnel or to Department officials or employees exercising non-teaching functions.

History —July 15, 1999, No. 149, § 4.16.