P.R. Laws tit. 3, § 144g

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 144g. School environment

The Secretary shall promulgate student regulations for the Public Education System. The School Boards shall also adopt complementary regulations for their schools. These regulations shall specify the rights and obligations of the students, the standards of behavior in the schools and shall establish the corresponding sanctions for their infraction. The regulations that are promulgated by the Secretary, as well as those adopted by the school boards, shall recognize the right of the students to their personal safety, free from harassment and bullying; to study in a wholesome environment; to privacy and personal dignity; to promote the development of student organizations; to a fair evaluation of their academic work; to a careful custody of the documents related to their academic history and student life; to select their trade or profession freely; to receive vocational guidance services or other specialized services; to an education that shall allow them to continue their higher education or provide access to the job market in and outside of Puerto Rico; and to organize and participate in the activities of their schools.

The regulations shall also recognize the students’ obligation to attend school; to comply with their school assignments; to be honest; to help their fellow students; to respect the physical and moral integrity of their teachers and fellow students; to render services to their school and the community in case of an emergency; and to respect the other students right to study.

History —July 15, 1999, No. 149, § 3.07, renumbered as § 3.08 on Aug. 10, 2000, No. 146, § 4; Apr. 29, 2008, No. 49, § 1.