P.R. Laws tit. 3, § 787a

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 787a. Defined Contribution Hybrid Program—Creation

(a) Creation of the Program.— The Defined Contribution Hybrid Program is hereby created. This Program shall establish an individual contribution account for each person who enrolls in the System under the provisions of §§ 787a—787q of this title. The individual contributions made by each participant to the Hybrid Program, as well as the return on investment thereon, shall be credited to such accounts, in accordance with § 787h of this title. The benefit to be provided to each participant upon separation from service, due to retirement or otherwise, shall depend on the total amount of contributions accumulated in his/her Hybrid Program account (including, in the case of those employees who entered the System for the first time on or after January 2000, the contributions accumulated in his/her savings account under the Retirement Savings Account Program which are transferred to the Hybrid Program in accordance with § 787c of this title), the return on investment of these contributions, and the life annuity granted on the basis thereof, in accordance with § 787j of this title.

(b) Program Participants.— The following persons shall participate in the Hybrid Program:

(1) Any employee participating in the System as of July 1, 2013.

(2) Any new employee who enrolls for the first time in the System after July 1, 2013.

History —May 15, 1951, No. 447, p. 1298, added as § 5-101 on Apr. 4, 2013, No. 3, § 15, eff. July 1, 2013.