P.R. Laws tit. 3, § 1

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1. Powers and duties—Generally

The Governor shall have the following powers and perform the following duties:

(1) He may suspend the execution of sentences in criminal cases and grant pardons, commutations of punishment, and total or partial remissions of fines and forfeitures for crimes committed in violation of the laws of Puerto Rico.

(2) He shall commission all officers that he may be authorized to appoint.

(3) He may veto any legislation enacted, as provided in Art. III, § 19, and Art. IV, § 4 of the Constitution.

(4) He shall be commander-in-chief of the militia.

(5) He shall at all times faithfully execute the laws.

(6) He shall supervise the official conduct of all executive and ministerial officers.

(7) He shall see that offices are filled and the duties thereof performed, or, in default thereof, apply such remedy as the law allows, and if the remedy is imperfect, acquaint the Legislative Assembly therewith at its next session.

(8) He shall make the appointments and fill the vacancies as required by law.

(9) Whenever any suit or legal proceeding is pending against Puerto Rico, or which may affect the title of the Commonwealth to any property, or which may result in any claim against Puerto Rico, he may direct the Secretary of Justice to appear on behalf of the Government of Puerto Rico, and may employ such additional counsel as he may judge expedient.

(10) He may require the Secretary of Justice or any Fiscal (Prosecuting Attorney) to inquire into the affairs or management of any corporation existing under the laws of Puerto Rico.

(11) He may require the Secretary of Justice to aid any Fiscal (Prosecuting Attorney) in the discharge of his duties.

(12) He may offer rewards not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) each for the apprehension of any convict who has escaped from the penitentiary (presidio).

(13) He must perform such duties respecting fugitives from justice as are prescribed by Code of Criminal Procedure.

(14) He must issue and transmit election proclamations.

(15) He shall enjoy such other powers and must perform such other duties as are devolved upon him by the laws of the United States and the laws of Puerto Rico.

History —Political Code, 1902, § 48.