P.R. Laws tit. 3A, § 7A

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 7A. Vocational Rehabilitation Administration

The Secretary shall appoint the Administrator, upon consulting with the Governor, whose salary or remuneration shall be established according to the customary norms of the Government of Puerto Rico for positions of a like or similar nature. The Administrator shall answer directly to the Secretary.

The Administration shall be in charge of the Physical and Vocational Rehabilitation Program.

The Administration shall develop its programs and provide its services in a comprehensive manner and under the direction of the Secretary, it shall coordinate its operations and services with the other components of the Department, the local rehabilitation centers, and through the Integral Services Centers, guaranteeing access to all the areas served up to the approval of this act, and with the possibility of expanding them. They shall also, harmonize and adjust their programs to the public policy established in this Plan, prepare the working plans as directed by the Secretary, which shall be approved by the latter; provide advice and guidance to the Integral Services Centers. They shall decentralize their operations and administrative processes in order to expedite the services to the consumers.

In addition to developing their functions and programs pursuant to applicable federal legislation, the Administration shall continue the public policy and the norms established by the Secretary.

This Administration shall have the mission of promoting the selection and transfer of powers to the persons with physical or mental disabilities through the provision of physical and vocational rehabilitation services that are consistent with their strengths, resources, priorities, interests, abilities, and capacities, to help them achieve remunerated employment, improve their quality of life, their capacity for self-sufficiency, and their self-esteem.

History —Added as § 9 on June 10, 2000, No. 97, § 15.