P.R. Laws tit. 3A, § IV

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ IV. Functions, powers and duties

The functions, powers and duties of the Secretary of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall be the following:

(a) Exercise the function, powers and duties that the Governor transfers or delegates on him/her; and provide continuous consulting services to the Governor in all aspects having to do with the rehabilitation of the transgressors and convicts, as well as to the corrections system and other alternate programs to imprisonment.

(b) Direct, plan, coordinate, supervise and evaluate the operation of the bodies that make up the Department; keep the Governor informed, and render the required reports.

(c) Advise the Governor and the Legislature in the drafting of the public policy regarding the rehabilitation of transgressors and inmates and the corrections system, and other alternate programs to imprisonment; and enforce said public policy as formulated by the Governor and the Legislature.

(d) Establish and develop plans, programs and strategies with the participation of the directly [sic] officials of the bodies that constitute the Department, emphasizing preventive, rehabilitating, educational and vocational measures for transgressors and inmates.

(e) Study and analyze the rehabilitation problems of youth and adults, as well as the corrections system, in coordination with, and the participation of directing official, and implement the necessary measures to manage them.

(f) Study measures and ways to improve security in adult and youth institutions, implement measures for that purpose, including the modernizing of operations and the establishment of programs for their rehabilitation.

(g) Adopt, establish, develop, amend, repeal and implement rules, norms and procedures for the effective operation of the Department and the bodies under its jurisdiction, and to regulate the internal security and discipline in the system and the conduct of officials and employees.

(h) Coordinate operations and duties with the Department of Justice, the Safety and Public Protection Commission, the Department of Health, the Department of Education, the Sports and Recreation Department, as well as with other government dependencies, including public corporations and municipalities.

(i) Evaluate work plans and budget needs of the components of the Department.

(j) Evaluate the problems and needs with respect to improvements, construction and maintenance of physical facilities, prepare the Capital Improvements Program and make sure it is carried out.

(k) Coordinate and supervise the use of human and fiscal resources and equipment to attain the greatest effectiveness and operational efficiency.

(l) Design, study and determine the internal organization of the Department with the coordination, participation and advice of the Office of the Management and Budget.

(m) Carry out those function inherent to his/her office.

(n) To promote the members of the Correctional Officers Corps of the Corrections Administration to the next higher rank up to the rank of Captain.

History —Amended Sept. 23, 2004, No. 465, § 4.