P.R. Laws tit. 32, § 3351e

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 3351e. Effective term of a trust

The effective term of a trust shall not exceed seventy-five (75) years after the constitution thereof, except in the case of persons with disabilities, which trusts shall last ninety (90) years or the length of the life of the beneficiary with disabilities, whichever is greater.

If the trust is constituted for an indefinite or longer term, said trust shall be valid for a term of ninety (90) years. However, if the trustor had expressed an intention for the trust not to be valid for the shorter term, the trust shall be null.

This provision shall not affect charitable trusts, which may be indefinite.

History —Aug. 31, 2012, No. 219, § 6.