Every executor who accepts his appointment under a will shall be obliged to file with the officer in whose office the will is recorded a written acceptance thereof, with his oath of office, binding himself to discharge his duties as executor to the best of his ability, and in default thereof he shall be unable to take possession of the property of the decedent. The part of the Court of First Instance of the last domicile of the decedent or of the place where his property is situated shall, on the filing of a certificate of the notary or other proper officer that such acceptance and oath of office have been filed, issue letters testamentary to the executor, which shall be evidence of his authority. When any administrator has filed his bond and an oath of office, the judge or court that shall have appointed him shall issue to him letters of administration, over its seal, as evidence of his authority.
History —Code Civil Proc., 1933, § 597; Aug. 31, 2012, No. 219, § 71.