Any person who without any legal grounds performs any of the following acts because of political ideas, religious beliefs, race, color of skin, sex, social condition, or national or ethnic origin, shall incur a misdemeanor:
(a) Denies access, service or equal treatment to any person in public places or establishments, private clubs where public activities are held, and in transportation media.
(b) Refuses to sell, transfer or lease personal or real property.
(c) Denies the granting of a loan for the construction of housing.
(d) Publishes, circulates or distributes any order, notice or advertisement that hinders, prohibits or discourages the sponsorship of or the presence at public places and establishments and the means of transportation, or the sale, transfer or lease of personal or real property.
History —June 18, 2004, No. 149, § 191, eff. May 1, 2005.