P.R. Laws tit. 33, § 4013

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
§ 4013. Definitions

For the purposes of §§ 4013—4026 of this title, the following terms shall have the meaning stated below:

(a) Stalking. — Means a pattern of behavior of vigilance, over a person; unwanted verbal or written communications are sent repeatedly to a specific person; written, verbal or implicit threats are made against a specific person; repeated acts of vandalism are directed to a specific person; repeated harassment through words, gestures or actions intended to intimidate, threaten or pursue the victim or members of his/her family.

(b) Persistent behavior pattern. — Means to make in [sic] two (2) or more occasions acts that show the intentional purpose of intimidating a specific person or his/her family members.


(1) Family. — Means: Spouse, son, daughter, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, male or female cousin of the victim; or other relative by consanguinity, or affinity who is part of the family nucleus.

(2) A person who lives or has formerly cohabited with the victim as a couple; or has been involved in a relationship as a paramour or lover.

(3) A person who resides or has resided in the same dwelling as the victim, for at least six (6) months before the acts constituting stalking are evident.

(d) Intimidate. — Means any repeated action or word that instills terror in the animus of a prudent and reasonable person, to the effect that [he/]she, or any member of the family could suffer harm, personally, or of [his/]her property, and/or exert moral pressure on the animus of the person to perform an act against [his/]her will.

(e) Restraining order. — Means any written order under the seal of a court whereby the measures are dictated to an offender to abstain from incurring or performing certain acts that constitute stalking.

(f) Respondent. — Means any person against whom an order of protection is requested.

(g) Petitioner. — Means any person who requests a restraining order.

(h) Court. — Means the Trial Court of the General Court of Justice.

(i) Police officer. — Means any member or officer of the Police of Puerto Rico; or a municipal policeman duly trained and accredited by the Police of Puerto Rico.

History —Aug. 21, 1999, No. 284, § 3; Sept. 8, 2000, No. 394, § 1.