P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 1293i

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1293i. Sharing of reconstruction costs when building not insured or insurance indemnity is insufficient; modification of section by unanimous resolution

When the property is not insured or the insurance indemnity is insufficient to cover the cost of reconstruction, the new building costs shall be paid by all the co-owners directly affected by the damage, in proportion to the percentage of their respective apartments; and if any one or more of those composing the minority shall refuse to make such payment, the majority may proceed to do so at the expense of all the co-owners benefited thereby, upon adopting the proper resolution, which shall set forth the circumstances of the case including the cost of the works, with the intervention of the Council of Co-owners.

The provisions of this section may be changed by unanimous resolution of the interested parties adopted subsequent to the date of the disaster.

History —June 25, 1958, No. 104, p. 243, § 45; June 4, 1976, No. 157, p. 461, § 10; Aug. 11, 1995, No. 153, § 1; May 21, 1996, No. 43, § 1.