P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 569

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 569. Other causes ending obligation

The obligation to give support shall also cease:

(1) With the death of the recipient.

(2) When the fortune of the person obliged to give it shall have been reduced so that he cannot do so without disregarding his own needs and those of his family.

(3) When the recipient is capable of working at a trade, profession or industry, or has obtained employment or bettered his fortune, so that he does not stand in need of the amount given for support.

(4) When the recipient, whether or not a forced heir, shall have committed any of the offenses which may be a cause for disinheritance.

(5) When the recipient is a descendant of the person obliged to give support and the necessity therefor arises from wrong conduct or lack of application to work, during the time such cause exists.

History —Civil Code, 1930, § 150.