P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 564

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 564. Support by or for two or more persons

When the obligation to support devolves upon two or more persons, the amount that each shall pay shall be proportioned to his respective estate.

Nevertheless, in cases of urgent necessity and under special circumstances, the judge may order one of them to provisionally provide such support, and he shall have the right to reclaim from the others their corresponding part of the amount.

When two or more persons claim support at the same time of a person lawfully obliged to give it, and the latter have not sufficient fortune to attend to the needs of all, the order established in the preceding section shall be observed, unless the persons requiring support be the husband or wife and a child subject to patria potestas, in which case such husband or wife shall be preferred to the child if they be the mother or father of such child, and if not, the support shall be divided equally between them.

History —Civil Code, 1930, § 145.