P.R. Laws tit. 31, § 783

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 783. Duties of tutor

The tutor shall:

(1) Feed and educate the minor or disabled person, in accordance with his condition and in strict conformity with the provisions made by his parents, or in defect thereof, with those adopted by the Court of First Instance.

(2) Endeavor, by all the means which the fortune of the minor or disabled person admits, that they acquire or recover their capacity.

(3) Make an inventory of all the real and personal property to which the tutorship extends, within the term fixed for this purpose by the competent part of the Court of First Instance.

(4) Request, in due time, the judicial authorization for all that is required by this title.

History —Civil Code, 1930, § 209; June 3, 1983, No. 75, p. 156, § 1.