P.R. Laws tit. 30, § 2772

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2772. Rectification of size of properties; proceedings

Rectification of the size of all properties already recorded may be entered in the Registry by any of the following means:

First.— By an unappealable verdict handed down in a regular procedure of judicial survey or to establish the dimensions.

Second.— By public document when it is a question of reduction of the area or an excess of no more than twenty percent of the recorded area, and it is done by proven technical surveying methods, in accordance with the provisions in § 2765 of this title. In each case of reduction of the area, it shall be necessary to register the corresponding authorization by the Planning Board or by the appropriate government agency.

Third.— By means of judicial proceedings to record a title in fee simple for the entire excess when it is more than twenty percent. In this case the immediate former owner shall be summoned even though he has conveyed the property by public document.

History —Mortgage Law, 1979, § 247; June 14, 1980, No. 143, p. 535, § 1.