P.R. Laws tit. 30, § 2730

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2730. Summary procedure—Deed of conveyance granted by marshal; possession by new owner

When the property or mortgaged right is sold or awarded and, when appropriate, the corresponding price is deposited and the sale or award is confirmed, the marshal who held the auction shall proceed to grant the corresponding deed of conveyance in representation of the owner or titleholder of the mortgaged property, in the presence of the notary selected by the successful bidder or buyer, who shall pay the cost of this legal instrument, and he shall grant the new owner legal possession, if he so requests it within 60 days after confirmation of the sale or award. If said sixty days have elapsed, the court may order, without the need for further procedures, the eviction or ouster of the occupant or occupants of the property, or of all those who are occupying it by order or by sufferance of the debtor.

History —Mortgage Law, 1979, § 230.