P.R. Laws tit. 30, § 2712

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2712. Summary procedure—Summons; requirements and contents; warning of public auction

As soon as the writ mentioned in § 2710 of this title is issued, the Clerk of the Court shall issue a summons which must be signed by him and shall bear the name and seal of the court, specifying the corresponding Court of First Instance Part and the names of the foreclosing creditor and the foreclosed debtor or third owner; it shall be addressed to the foreclosed debtor or to the third owner and to subsequent creditors, interested parties or holders of encumbrances or real rights registered or noted after the mortgage that is being foreclosed or which had been subordinated to it, whom the court had ordered notified of the procedure; it shall show the name and address of the foreclosing creditor’s lawyer and shall fully and literally insert the court’s writ, and summon the foreclosed debtor or the third owner, if applicable, so that in compliance with said writ, within the nonextensible term of thirty days from the date they were summoned, they pay the creditor the amounts claimed in the procedure, with the admonition that the mortgaged property shall be sold at auction.

History —Mortgage Law, 1979, § 212.