P.R. Laws tit. 34, § 2230

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§ 2230. Court summary; reports of body or agency for periodic evaluation

When a minor is placed in custody of the Juvenile Institutions Administration or of any other public or private body, the judge shall remit a summary of the information he/she has in his/her power regarding the minor to the corresponding officer or person in whose custody said minor shall remain.

Periodic reports shall be rendered to the court on the condition, physical, emotional and moral progress of the minor, as well as evaluation reports of the minor and the services or treatment given to him/her. Said strictly confidential reports shall be rendered by the persons in charge of the supervision, custody or treatment of the minor no later than five (5) days prior to the date fixed for the review, as provided in § 2231 of this title.

History —July 9, 1986, No. 88, p. 276, § 30; Aug. 12, 1995, No. 183, § 7.