P.R. Laws tit. 34, § 2221

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
§ 2221. Removal of minors from judicial procedure

After a complaint has been filed and before the adjudication of the case, the Prosecutor may request the court to refer the minor to an agency or a public or private body if the following circumstances exist:

(1) If it is a Class I offense or a first time offender in a Class II offense.

(2) An agreement is signed between the Prosecutor, the minor, his parents or guardian and the agency or body to which the minor is referred.

(3) The social report of the Family Relations Specialist is taken into consideration.

(4) There is an authorization of the court.

The agency or body to which the minor is referred in accordance with this section shall report to the Prosecutor and to the court whether the minor is complying with or has complied or not with the conditions of the agreement. In case the minor has complied with said conditions, the Prosecutor shall request the court to dismiss the complaint. In case the minor has not complied, the Prosecutor shall request a hearing to determine if the procedure should continue.

History —July 9, 1986, No. 88, p. 276, § 21, eff. 180 days after July 9, 1986.