P.R. Laws tit. 34, § 1475a

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
§ 1475a. Prisoners as witnesses within or without Puerto Rico in criminal cases—Hearing on certificate from another state or territory

If a judge of a court of record in a state or territory whose laws authorize the summoning of witnesses confined in penal and correctional institutions within the state to appear before the courts of Puerto Rico, certifies that there is a criminal case pending before such court or before a grand jury, and that an inmate of a penal or correctional institution of Puerto Rico is a material witness in said case whose presence is required during a certain period of time, the superior judge of the court part in whose territory the inmate is shall, upon receipt of such a certificate and after giving notice to the Secretary of Justice, set a date and place for a hearing and order the person in charge of the inmate to have the latter appear at the hearing.

History —June 14, 1957, No. 57, p. 134, § 1.