P.R. Laws tit. 34, § 1735a

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
§ 1735a. Main Register of Jurors

The Bureau Director shall prepare a main register of jurors, using a method where the selection of people in the list is completely at random. No person can be included in the list by personal request or by the request of third parties.

In order to prepare such list, the Bureau Director shall require, it being mandatory, that any department, agency, board, commission, instrumentality or corporation of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or its municipalities, including the State Electoral Commission, shall submit free of charge and by any means, copies of the registries of people in their charge, including without limitation, the voters, motor vehicle drivers, electricity, water and telephone services recipients, and those registered in any other government program or service.

The Bureau Director shall determine the number of jurors that comprise the main register and shall distribute the jurors according to the needs determined in each Judicial Region. Wherever possible, there shall be a proportional number of jurors for each municipality forming the region, taking its population as a base, according to the last census of the United States Census Bureau.

The Main Register of Jurors must be periodically updated or reviewed, but never at intervals longer than three (3) years.

History —Sept. 27, 2003, No. 281, § 3, eff. 180 days after Sept. 27, 2003.