The word “sentence” means the pronouncement made by the court as to the punishment imposed on the defendant.
At the time of pronouncing sentence, the court must explain verbally or in writing the reasons for imposing the sentence.
When a judgment of conviction is entered in felony cases, the court shall set a time limit for pronouncing sentence, which must be at least three (3) days after the verdict. In cases of misdemeanors, the court shall pronounce sentence no later than on the day after the judgment. In no case shall the court pronounce sentence before any motion for a new trial or a motion to stay judgment has been decided, or before due consideration has been given to the presentence report required under Rule 162.1.
The rules of evidence shall not apply in the sentencing phase, except insofar as privileges are concerned, as outlined in Rules 23 to 35 of Evidence of Puerto Rico, App. IV of Title 32.
History —July 23, 1974, No. 172, Part 2, p. 10, 1; June 4, 1980, No. 103, p. 334, § 1.