P.R. Laws Ap. tit. 34A, § 1–A, Rule 7.2

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
Rule 7.2. Reading of the complaint; warnings to the minor; hearing in absentia

(a) At the beginning of the adjudicative hearing, the court shall read the complaint, unless said reading is waived by the minor. The minor and his parents or guardians shall be present during the reading of the complaint and during all the proceedings.

(b) At the time of the reading of the complaint, the court shall warn the minor that if he leaves the hearing or fails to return during any stage of the hearing, the proceedings shall continue in absentia until the final disposition of the case, and his absence shall be deemed as a waiver of his right to be present at the subsequent stages of the procedure.

If the minor leaves the hearing room, the court, after investigation and determining that it is a voluntary absence, shall continue the proceedings in absentia until the final disposition of the case, provided the minor is represented by counsel and his parents or guardians or court appointed defender are present in case the latter are interested in being present.