P.R. Laws Ap. tit. 34A, § 1–A, Rule 6.2

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Rule 6.2. Prior to the adjudicative hearing

The following motions must be filed and ruled upon prior to the adjudicative hearing:

(1) Motion to dismiss based upon defects in the complaint, except when the defects consist in not alleging offense or that the court lacks jurisdiction, which may be moved at any time.

(2) Motion to dismiss based upon the following defenses and objections raised during the proceedings:

(a) That the alleged offense had been previously adjudicated, or that the minor was previously in jeopardy of adjudication by the same offense;

(b) that the cause or an essential controversy thereof is barred by res judicata;

(c) that offense is barred by statute of limitation;

(d) that probable cause was not determined pursuant to law;

(e) that the adjudicative hearing was scheduled beyond the legal terms;

(f) that the minor was granted immunity against proceedings for said offense, and

(g) that the hearing to determine probable cause to file the complaint had been scheduled for a date beyond the legal limits.

(3) Motion to suppress evidence.

(4) Motion to request discovery.

(5) Motion to plead mental disability or alibi defenses.

(6) Motion to utilize identification mechanisms.

History —Sept. 12, 1990, No. 86, p. 505, § 3.