Every resolution entered or order issued shall be notified to the affected party or the attorney of record thereof, if there is one. Service of notice shall be done by delivering a copy thereof to the party of the attorney or mailing it to his last known address. Notice may also be served at the usual residence or domicile of the person to whom it is addressed, in the hands of a person of sufficient age and discretion who resides there, with instructions to deliver it to the person to whom it is addressed.
When a resolution or order is addressed to a minor, notice shall be served delivering it to the minor and his parents, guardians, attorney or court-appointed defender. If they refuse to receive it, it shall be recorded in the service and the notice shall be deemed validly served. It shall also be served on the head of the public or private body where the minor has been placed by the judge, the director of the institution where the minor resides or any other party interested in the welfare of the minor when so ordered by the judge.