P.R. Laws Ap. tit. 34A, § 1–A, Rule 10.1

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
Rule 10.1. Court record

A court record shall be kept for every minor against whom a complaint is filed, which shall consist of two (2) parts; legal and social.

In the legal part the original complaint, birth certificate of the minor, summons, resolutions entered and orders issued by the court, pleas, and whatsoever other briefs or motions related with the case shall be filed, as well as any document introduced in evidence, including expert witnesses’ reports. In the social part the reports of the family relations specialist or technician to the court on the social study and supervision of the minor shall be filed and whatsoever other evaluating reports on the minor.

The court record shall be cumulative and remain under the custody of the court clerk.