P.R. Laws tit. 13, § 2203

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§ 2203. Reward for information as to violations—Reward Fund

The sum of ten thousand (10,000) dollars is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Treasury of Puerto Rico not otherwise appropriated, for the creation of a trust fund which shall be known as Reward Fund—Trust Fund and shall be used to pay such rewards as are provided for in § 2202 of this title; Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico shall return to the said fund such amounts as he may have paid as the rewards mentioned in § 2202 of this title, as soon as such amounts as the Federal Customhouse Service established in Puerto Rico may obtain as a result of the information for which the rewards have been paid from said fund are received in the Treasury of Puerto Rico.

History —May 5, 1931, No. 77, p. 474, added as § 1b on Apr. 9, 1934, No. 7, p. 206, § 2.