P.R. Laws tit. 13, § 113ff

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 113ff. Payment of Administrative Expenses Pending Plan Confirmation

(a) A petitioner timely shall pay in full and in cash all administrative expenses incurred in connection with its operations and its case, including wages, salaries, commissions for services, trade debt, and monthly requests for reasonable fees and reimbursement of expenses incurred by the professionals retained by the petitioner (or retained by GDB on behalf of the petitioner, as provided by § 113(b) of this title) and the creditors’ committee(s), and the noticing agent.

(b) To the extent that a petitioner or GDB believes fees and expenses of a retained professional are unreasonable, it shall advise the applicant of its objection and the petitioner shall pay the undisputed portion. If the petitioner or GDB, as applicable, and the applicant are unable to reach an agreement about the disputed portion, either party may request the Court to rule on the reasonableness of such disputed fees and expenses. The petitioner or GDB, as applicable, may object to any applicant’s fees as unreasonable for any legitimate reason.

(c) A petitioner or GDB may, in its sole discretion, retain an entity to serve as a fee examiner to review all fees and disbursements of all professionals for the petitioner and the creditors’ committee(s). To the extent any professional requests payments in excess of those recommended by the fee examiner, the professional must procure a Court order allowing such additional amounts.

History —June 28, 2014, No. 71, § 333.