P.R. Laws tit. 13, § 113dd

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 113dd. Allowed claims

(a) No creditor (affected or unaffected) needs to file a proof of claim to be entitled to payments on its claims. To the extent there are disputes between the petitioner and creditors as to the amounts of their claims, such disputes shall be resolved using the same procedures applicable if there were no case under §§ 113-113nn of this title; Provided, however, That claim objections pursuant to §§ 113cc, 113ee and 113ff of this title and rejection damage claims shall be determined only by the Court, subject to its power to abstain when the determination is not required prior to deciding whether a plan should be confirmed.

(b) A claim shall be an allowed claim if valid under applicable law to the extent:

(1) It does not include unmatured interest as of the petition date, and

(2) is not disallowed under another provision of this chapter.

(c) The assertion of a claim in a §§ 113-113nn of this title case shall not constitute a legal proceeding subject to the disclosure requirement for government vendors and contractors pursuant to any applicable law. The existence of a claim under §§ 113-113nn of this title shall not constitute the basis for disqualification from any procurement process or for not entering into a contract with the petitioner.

(d) Nothing in this chapter shall grant recourse status to non-recourse claims.

History —June 28, 2014, No. 71, § 331.