P.R. Laws tit. 13, § 113b

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 113b. Notice of commencement

(a) Promptly after the filing of the petition and obtaining a date from the Court for the hearing specified in subsection (a)(2) of this section, a petitioner shall send to all the petitioner’s affected creditors and contract counterparties for whom it has readily accessible internal electronic records of mailing addresses or email addresses and to all entities who file notices of appearance pursuant to § 111r of this title, notice of:

(1) The filing of the petition and the automatic stay;

(2) the date and time of the hearing on the eligibility of the petitioner for relief under §§ 113-113nn of this title pursuant to § 113e of this title;

(3) the date that objections, if any, to the petitioner’s eligibility must be filed;

(4) the schedule specified in subsection (a)(2) of § 113a of this title, or, if not available, the schedule specified in § 113(d)(1) of this title;

(5) the right of each affected creditor to advise the Court of its willingness to serve on the general committee to be appointed pursuant to subsection (a) of § 113q of this title, which advice shall be in the form of a notice filed with the Court prominently labeled as a “Notice of Willingness to Serve on General Committee,” and shall clearly provide a disclosure of their economic interests as set forth in clauses (1) and (2) of subsection (d) of § 113q of this title; and

(6) the threshold for the special trade debt.

(b) A petitioner also shall provide supplemental notice of the information required by subsection (a) of § 113b of this title by publication as specified in subsection (c)(2) of § 111o of this title, and by posting on the website for its case under §§ 113-113nn of this title.

History —June 28, 2014, No. 71, § 303.