The name and insignia used by any political party on the election ballot shall be the same used by said party in the preceding general election. Any change in the name or insignia of the political parties must be notified to the Commission through a certification issued by the political party’s central governing body not later than sixty (60) days before the general election.
Furthermore, before that date, every candidate for Governor, Resident Commissioner, Legislator, Mayor, and Municipal Legislator may file with the Commission any change in the name that will appear on the ballot, which shall always include one given name and one legal surname. Likewise, he/she may submit a simple and distinguishable picture or emblem to be placed beside his/her name on the ballot, except for municipal legislators, who shall only appear on the ballot by name.
The name, picture, or emblem shall not contain identification of or references to titles or offices held, or to campaign slogans.
History —June 1, 2011, No. 78, § 9.009.