P.R. Laws tit. 7, § 436

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§ 436. Report of unclaimed deposits, dividends, or interest

On or before the tenth day of September of each year, every trust company shall make a written report to the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, verified by the oath of the president or vice-president and any other principal officer of the trust company, which shall contain a true and correct statement of all deposits made with the trust company, and all dividends declared and interest accrued upon any of its stock or evidence of indebtedness, which on the first day of August preceding such report, amounted to fifty dollars ($50) or over and had not been claimed by any person or persons authorized to receive the same during the next five (5) years. Such statement shall set forth the date of each such deposit, its amount and the last-known place of residence or post-office address of the person making it, the name of each person in whose favor any such dividend may have been declared or any such interest may have accrued, the date and amount of such dividends or interest, and the number or value of the shares, or what type of documents evidence the indebtedness of such trust company on which said dividends or interest were declared or approved. In case any such trust company shall have held no such deposits, dividends or interest at said date, it shall, on the specified date, make a written report to the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico so stating, which report will be verified under oath as hereinbefore provided. No deposits, dividends, or interest shall be termed unclaimed within the meaning of this section, if it appears from the books of the trust company or from other written evidence on file, that the person or persons authorized to receive them have no knowledge thereof. Every such trust company which reports as unclaimed any deposits, dividends or interest under the provisions of this section shall, at its own expense, cause to be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, a true copy of such report, and on or before the first day of October in each year, shall file evidence before the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, by affidavit, of such publication. Any trust company that fails to make any report or to file any affidavit of publication required by this section shall be subject to an administrative fine of one hundred dollars ($100) for each day such report or the filing of such affidavit of publication shall be so delayed or withheld, unless the time therefor shall have been extended by the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico.

History —Apr. 23, 1928, No. 40, p. 234, § 33; June 26, 1980, No. 14, p. 900, § 7.