P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 5214

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 5214. Radio Month and Broadcaster’s Day

(a) The month of May of every year is hereby declared as the “Radio Month” and May 30 of every year is hereby declared as the “Broadcaster’s Day” in order to raise awareness on the Island of the great importance in social, economic, and labor terms of said industry and of the broadcasters’ profession.

(b) The Department of State, in collaboration with the Department of Education and the Puerto Rico Corporation for Public Broadcasting shall have the responsibility to disclose said month as the “Radio Month” and said day as the “Broadcasters’ Day” to the Island and to attain the greatest participation possible of the public and private sector in these celebrations by conducting activities and programs leading to the same.

History —Aug. 9, 2006, No. 154, §§ 1, 2.