P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 5177

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 5177. Caimito Flag Day

(a) To declare and establish the 22nd day of December of each year as “Caimito Flag Day”.

(b) It is hereby provided that the design of choice for the “Caimito Flag” is rectangular and consists of three stripes of the same size. The meaning of said stripes is: the yellow stripe on the top, symbolizes the peace that they shall always keep in their hearts; the white stripe, in the middle, means the purity of their culture, of the sense of being human, and the love of their beloved ward; the green stripe at the bottom symbolizes the hopes that all human beings should treasure, and should never lose. The Caimito tree on the white stripe, represents their beloved Caimito Ward; the river and its stones on the same white stripe, represents the extinct municipality of Río Piedras, to which Caimito Ward belonged at the time of its foundation.

(c) The Governor of Puerto Rico shall exhort the people of Puerto Rico, through a proclamation, to commemorate the 22nd of December of each year as the “Caimito Flag Day”.

(d) The Puerto Rico Institute of Culture and the Department of Education shall adopt the necessary measures to fulfill the purposes of this section by organizing and holding official activities that recognize and give significance to the contribution of the residents of Caimito to our community life, as well as of those institutions or public or private entities, that have procured outstanding services or assistance in behalf of the Puerto Rican community located in this ward.

History —Feb. 14, 2004, No. 61, §§ 1—4.