P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 5091

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 5091. Puerto Rican Artisan’s Month

(a) The month of July of each year is hereby declared to be the “Puerto Rican Artisan’s Month”.

(b) Each year, the Governor of Puerto Rico, through a proclamation, to such effect, shall urge the people of Puerto Rico to show their gratitude and support to all artisans, sponsoring them during the activities held during said month, as well as throughout the year.

(c) The Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, the Tourist Company of Puerto Rico, the Industrial Development Company, the Department of Education and the municipalities, shall adopt the measures needed to organize and hold activities to commemorate the “Puerto Rican Artisan’s Month”, and shall also promote the participation of citizens and private entities during these activities.

History —Aug. 26, 1998, No. 257, §§ 1—3.