P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 703

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 703. Creation

The “Puerto Rican Institute for Mutual Assistance with Democratic Cuba” is hereby created, to be constituted by twenty-six (26) members according to the following:

(1) In representation of the Government of Puerto Rico.—

(a) The Secretary of [the] Department of Economic Development and Commerce or the officer on whom the latter delegates;

(b) the Secretary of State of Puerto Rico or the officer on whom the latter delegates;

(c) the Executive Director of the Tourism Company or the officer on whom the latter delegates;

(d) the President of the Government Development Bank or the officer on whom the latter delegates, and

(e) the President of the University of Puerto Rico.

(2) In representation of the Legislature of Puerto Rico.— The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico or the officers on whom these delegate.

(3) In representation of the private sector.—

(a) The President of the Bankers Association or the officer on whom the latter delegates;

(b) the President of the Industrialists Association or the officer on whom the latter delegates;

(c) the President of the Hotel and Tourism Association or the officer on whom the latter delegates;

(d) the President of the Chamber of Commerce or the officer on whom the latter delegates;

(e) the President of the Shipowners Association or the officer on whom the latter delegates;

(f) a representative of the airlines industry appointed by the Governor;

(g) the President of the Farmers Association or the officer on whom the latter delegates, and

(h) four (4) representatives of the communications industries, to wit: one (1) appointed by the Governor, one (1) by the President of the Senate and two (2) by the Speaker of the House.

(4) In representation of the organizations of Cubans residing in Puerto Rico:— As representatives of the Cuban exile in Puerto Rico, the Institute shall have eight (8) members appointed by the Managing Committee of the Puerto Rican Institute for Organizing Mutual Assistance with Democratic Cuba, which was selected by representatives of the Cuban exile in Puerto Rico.

The vacancies in the Institute shall be filled in the same way the original appointments are made. The term of the member who fills a vacancy at the Institute shall be extended for the remaining term.

The entities which appoint any of their members may dismiss said members of the Institute for illegal conduct, inefficiency or negligence in the performance of their duties or for any other justified cause after being charged and notified and a hearing is held.

History —Aug. 4, 2007, No. 103, § 4.