P.R. Laws tit. 1, 512l

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 512l Interagency liaisons

Every department, agency, instrumentality, municipality, and corporation of the Government of Puerto Rico shall designate an interagency liaison for the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan of the “Bill of Rights of Persons with Disabilities,” and shall notify the name of such liaison to the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities. The liaison shall maintain communication with officials from the Office of the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities and shall provide them with the information requested. The interagency liaison shall be responsible for:

(a) Developing and implementing the strategic plan required by the Bill of Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in collaboration with the officials from his/her entity.

(b) Periodically attending meetings on issues relative to the implementation of the Bill of Rights of Persons with Disabilities as these may be convened by the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities.

(c) Attending training on issues related to developmental deficiencies, among others, offered by the Office of the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities, so as to acquire more knowledge.

(d) Developing training within his/her work setting, in coordination with the Office of the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities, intended for agencies and municipalities.

(e) Providing, on a semiannual basis, to the Office of the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities, a report itemizing the strategies, activities, and actions carried out to achieve the implementation of strategic plans.

(f) Notifying the Office of the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities of any changes, whether administrative or programmatic, which might affect the implementation of strategic plans.

(g) Collaborating with the Office of the Advocate for Persons with Disabilities in the briefing process on strategic plans of the Bill of Rights, as well as training and technical assistance therefor.

(h) Disclosing the Strategic Plan for Persons with Disabilities in the geographical area in which he/she serves.

(i) Gathering all the information related to the implementation, results and effectiveness of all the programs, benefits, services, and activities available for persons with disabilities in his/her corresponding government entity to be, in turn, included in the periodic reports submitted to the Legislative Assembly by virtue of Section 2 of Act No. 84-2003, as amended.

History —Aug. 31, 2004, No. 238, added as § 16 on Aug. 9, 2008, No. 208, § 1; Feb. 29, 2012, No. 44, § 3.