P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 440

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 440. Juvenile justice system

The State recognizes the right of all children to be considered as minors when charged with the commission of any action contrary to law and public order, with the exceptions established by law, in a specialized juvenile justice system grounded on the principle of confidentiality of the process, which pursues [sic] to rehabilitate as its main objective, and is provided with facilities and special programs separate from adult programs.

All children shall have the right to benefit from all the guarantees of a fair and impartial trial, pursuant to the guarantees of due process of law; to have contact with their relatives at all times; to obtain legal counsel in the presentation of their defense; and, if found guilty of a fault, to be treated with the consideration and adequate attention merited by the fact of their being children.

History —Sept. 1, 2000, No. 289, § 21.