P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 321

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 321. Examining officials

The Advocate, in the exercise of the adjudicative powers conferred to her by this chapter, may designate examining officials to preside over the administrative hearings to be held. The adjudicative procedures shall be governed by the provisions of §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 3, known as the “Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Uniform Administrative Procedures Act”, and the regulations to be adopted by the Office for such purpose, including matters germane to the recourse for the reconsideration and review of the adverse determination of the Advocate and her power to impose and collect administrative fines for up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000), as well as compensation for damages caused, including, among others, emotional damages.

History —Apr. 11, 2001, No. 20, § 13.