P.R. Laws tit. 19, § 2321

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2321. Filing office

(a) Filing offices.— If the local law of this state governs perfection of a security interest or agricultural lien, the office in which to file a financing statement to perfect the security interest or agricultural lien is:

(1) At the Department of Transportation and Public Works in the Registry of Motor Vehicles and Trailers ascribed to the Directorate of Driver's Services, when the collateral is a motor vehicle as defined in the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Act of Puerto Rico, if the collateral is not held as inventory for sale or lease; or

(2) at the corresponding section of the Registry of the Property of Puerto Rico when the collateral is fixtures, crops growing or to be grown or timber to be cut, and in the registration book or information system of the Registry of the Property where a mortgage on the real estate would be filed or recorded. In order for the financing statement to be recordable at the Registry of the Property, the same must appear as a document (either physical or electronic, as permitted by law or regulation) issued by either judicial authority or signed by the debtor before a competent official, such as a notary public, in the manner prescribed by law and regulations of the jurisdiction where the document is signed, subject to compliance with the requirements of this Law, or

(3) in all other cases, in the office of the Secretary of State.

History —Sept. 19, 1996, No. 241, added as § 9-501 on Jan. 17, 2012, No. 21, § 11, eff. 1 year after Jan. 17, 2012.