P.R. Laws tit. 9, § 38b

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§ 38b. Advertisements or signs not in conformity with law—Request for removal

The Permit Management Office shall periodically certify to the Department of Transportation and Public Works such advertisements or signs as do not meet the requirements of Act. No. 427 of May 13, 1951 and of the Zoning Regulation. Subject to such certifications and to such suppletory information as he may obtain from the Permit Management Office, or from any other source, the Secretary of Transportation and Public Works shall, through written notice served on them, personally or by registered mail to their last known address, request of:

(1) The owner, lessor, administrator, employee, agent, representative, person in charge by oral or written power, colono, or lessee (whether a natural or a juridical person), of the land, building or structure where an advertisement or sign declared a public nuisance by Act No. 427 of May 13, 1951, may have been installed or erected, and

(2) the advertiser or his agent; that he erase, eliminate, or remove the said advertisement or sign within the term of ten (10) days on and after the date of the notice.

In case it is not possible to serve the required notice on the persons on whom it should be served, a copy of the notice to which this section refers shall be affixed to the advertisement or sign. In such case, the affixing of said copy to the advertisement or sign shall, for all purposes of §§ 38a—38e of this title, constitute sufficient notice. The term of ten (10) days shall be computed, in this case, from the day of the affixing of said copy. This term shall not be interrupted by the fact that the duly affixed copy has come off, or has deteriorated or been destroyed due to natural phenomena or through the acts of persons not authorized to do so. The Secretary of Transportation and Public Works shall certify the day the notice was affixed to the advertisement or sign concerned. This certification shall be transmitted to the Secretary of State, who shall keep it as a public document, for all purposes of law.

History —Sept. 28, 1961, No. 5, p. 395, § 2; July 27, 1974, No. 251, Part 2, p. 250, § 1; June 24, 1975, No. 80, p. 259, § 4, eff. July 1, 1975.