P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 2158

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2158. General procedures

The procedure before the notarial seat shall be initiated by the demand of those who have legal standing therefor.

The notary shall:

(1) Notify the General Registry of Notarial Competence of the initiation of the intervention, within a term of three (3) working days after having signed the professional notarial services contract to handle the procedure in question. Said term shall be strictly complied with. The rules on the presentation of the notice, that may be done electronically, as well as its content, shall be provided by the Supreme Court, through regulations.

(2) Compile the required documentation, as the case may be. This documentation may be furnished by whoever requires the legal action of the notary, or obtained by the notary him/herself.

(3) Evaluate and determine if the documents received or obtained meet the requirements of the mandamus in each case.

(4) If after evaluating the documents, the notary concludes that it is pertinent to execute the statement of facts and of law required by the enjoiner, the notary shall state the following in a notarial certificate:

(a) The name and address of the petitioner.

(b) The actions taken.

(c) The statements received and documents examined.

(d) The statement of facts and the corresponding legal grounds.

(5) Prepare a file with the sworn statements, documents examined, the notices to the parties concerned, and an index of all the documents contained therein.

(6) Remit a notice of his/her findings of the procedure to the General Registry of Notarial Competence within the term of seventy-two (72) hours.

(7) The Supreme Court shall direct the terms of the custody, competence and delivery of the file, through regulations.

History —Aug. 21, 1999, No. 282, § 5; July 21, 2000, No. 128, § 1.